Friday, January 16, 2009

2nd playdate for Lucas (and mommy)

Yesterday Lucas had his 2nd play date ever, but his first play date with Michael. I'm not sure how much fun Lucas had since he spent most of the visit sleeping, but I sure had a good time. Jeannie brought her beautiful boy, Michael, over for a visit. Michael is almost 10 months old and looking at him now it is hard to believe that he was born 3 months early only weighing 2 pounds! Now he is a giant (especially next to Lucas)and doing great. Jeannie brought over lunch, homemade chicken soup for dinner, clothes and a hand made burp cloth that she knitted. Lucas was very impressed with her knitting as he spit up all over it!

It's nice to have friends that have babies around the same age as Lucas. I can't wait for the summer (since I have it off) and we can have more play dates!

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