Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cantaloupe good, Sand not so good

Since Lucas seems to love the water we took him to Hopkinton State Park for an afternoon. This is where Lucas discovered sand. He proceeded to put sand in his mouth, nose, diaper, etc. I think this is foreshadowing for the coming years where Lucas puts everything in his mouth. But he also tried cantaloupe this week and liked it!

I finally gave in to peer pressure and took Lucas to get his professional photos done. When the photographer saw Lucas the first comment out of her mouth was "awesome, crazy hair. I love it." Then she called her other photography friends over to check out Lucas's curly hair. After the oohing and ahhing Lucas was ready for the spotlight! He did really well and the pictures came out great. Of course, they wanted me to spend a boat load of money and were probably disappointed that I didn't spend hundreds of dollars. I ordered a few and will probably bring him back when he is a year old. Even though Steve didn't want me to get them done (he was probably worried I would mortgage the house to pay for all the photos), I think he was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the pics and that I didn't buy (spend) a ton.

Other news...Lucas has officially stopped nursing. I needed to ween him off before school started. I was a bit sad, but Lucas couldn't have cared less. As long as he's fed, he's happy and he doesn't care who is giving it to him. My baby is growing up so fast :(

Steve, Donna, Joe and I went to Cirque Du Soleil on Saturday night. It was nice to have a night out! And, Lucas didn't make a peep for the babysitter! I don't think we're doing too bad for having an 8 month old. We've already gone out at night a few times, where some new parents don't get to go out for a year!

School starts tomorrow so wish us luck!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hungry Monkey

Since Lucas doesn't really care for Cheerios, I've been trying to figure out what to feed him. He does love mashed bananas, but there are only so many bananas one can eat! I decided to order a book so I can figure out what are some healthy and safe foods to feed him. We found some teething biscuits to practice chewing and it entertains him for a bit. The is a huge mess and I find bits of it all over the place (including his diaper)!

I start school next week, so Lucas has been visiting Auntie Sandra for day care. I was nervous that he would be over stimulated and wouldn't follow his nap schedule anymore. But, Lucas did awesome! He is sticking to his nap schedule and he's still sleeping through the night. If this were around Christmas I would call it a Christmas miracle!

Steve is off today and we are taking a family trip to my school and then off to Ashland State Park to enjoy the water.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Water, water!

It has been great being with Lucas all summer and seeing the wonderful changes. Can you believe he will be 8 months on Saturday? Neither can we. Since Lucas has been sitting up, we decided he needs to move to the house bathtub. I wasn't sure how he would like it, but he ended up loving it. Speaking of water..we also took him to Walden Pond for the first time. Granted the parking lot was full so Steve, Lucas and I had to sneak through a wooded trail to get in. Instead of calling it sneaking in and breaking rules, we prefer to think of it as a lesson in perseverance. Lucas LOVED it. Take a look at the video of him splashing around. Steve is hoping he is a future triathlete!

We also introduced the boy to Cheerios. To our disbelief, Lucas didn't care for them. We figured he would eat anything we put within a 3 foot radius, but apparently not. Who would've known?

In other big news, Lucas has finally graduated from the infant car seat to the convertible one. He seems to enjoy the new plush seating.

That's about it for now. Two more weeks until school starts :(

Monday, August 10, 2009

BBQ Fun!

After many weeks of running around, Steve and I finally pulled off the summer bbq. It is always great to see so many of our friends/family in one place. Lucas especially loved hanging out with everyone. So many of the guests commented to us on how Lucas is a such a happy baby. It is really true. He laughed, giggled and played with everyone. I was a bit concerned since he only took a 1/2 hour afternoon nap, but he was too overstimulated to leave the party. I guess he thought he might miss something.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Lucas has been rolling over and waking up at night. I finally bought crib bumpers to see if that would help. They did seem to help and last night Lucas was back to his old self and slept through the night!

So far August has been an eventful month..he starting waving bye, air clapping, rolling over, sitting up, and babbling a lot more. Lucas is also starting to get the rocking motion that babies do before they start moving. As soon as he can move, we're in trouble!

Monday, August 3, 2009

We're rollin', rollin', rollin'

Good news: Lucas is rolling over.
Bad new: Lucas is rolling over and getting stuck in the middle of the night.

Lucas has discovered the art of rolling his body from back to belly. I place him on his mat and he loves rolling and playing. Steve and I discovered the rolling thing isn't so great at night. Lucas will roll over and either :

a} get stuck
b} hit the side of his crib
c} cry
d} all of the above.

Steve and I sleepily walk into Lucas's room and turn him over. Hopefully he'll figure it out soon.

We also went to visit dad, Gale and granny the other day. We had a nice visit and granny said something that really stuck me.

"When I go to heaven and see your mother I will tell her all about Lucas."
