Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ovarian Cancer 5k

Every year we run the Ovarian Cancer 5k in South Boston in honor of my mom.  Steve and I have not missed a year since 2001.  This year we had a great bunch of friends join us despite the drizzly weather.  Due to a computer glitch Steve actually came in first for the 60-89 age category.  Steve told him he wasn't quite that old yet but actually came in third in his age group (20-29 of course). He was pushing over 60 pounds of love also known as our children.  Great job Steve!

I also was lucky enough to chaperone my first field trip as a parent.  I've been on countless field trips as a camp counselor or a teacher but it was quite a different experience going with Lucas.  I has such a blast with the 3 and 4 year olds picking apples.  They take such joy in the simplest things and remind you what's important in life!

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