At the same time Steve was putting up a fence in the backyard so Lucas would be contained this summer! While watching, I felt a gush of water. I told Steve "I think my water broke and we'll have to leave soon." He asked if he could finish up that part of the fence since we couldn't leave until Donna got to the house anyway. As soon as Donna got to the house, we were off to the hospital. I was so worried about Lucas and rushing off but I later found out that he did really well and I was nervous for nothing. My contractions had already started but they weren't as bad as I remembered from Lucas so I thought we had some time.
We walked up to the maternity ward, where they asked me all sorts of questions, hooked me up to monitors, and asked me to rate my pain. At first I said a "5" but it quickly jumped to a "7." The doctor took a look at me and said I was already 8 1/2 cm dilated and he would check back. Well after a few minutes the nurse had the doctor check back because the pain was getting worse. Sure enough, I was ready to push but too far along to get any pain meds. Needless to say, My water broke at 3:30 and Sydney Paige Shahnamian was born at 7. If you know my sister's birth story, you realize the Pevzner ladies don't mess around when it comes to giving birth. Maybe it was the massage?
Sydney is absolutely perfect and measured much bigger than her brother did at birth. She weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 20 inches long! Everyone is adjusting well and Lucas likes being a big brother. He keeps bringing her toys to play with in her bassinet. It's very sweet and the Pevznamian family is now complete!
Oh. and congrats to my friend Megan who won the baby pool. Sydney was even born on her birthday! Thank you to all who played.

1 comment:
Lovely story...I luv the details. Sending hugs, xxx's and more. Aunty Susan
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