Last week Lucas and I make the trek to Maine to see Holly, Theo, and Eli (and Nate for a bit). It was awesome to see the family, but it was exhausting. With a 2 month old, 7 month old and a 2 1/2 year old on different schedule at times was insane. But, we all enjoyed ourselves and we even went out to eat twice!
Lucas loved hanging out with Theo. Anytime Theo came into the room Lucas was mesmerized by him and would crack up. Just look at the video and you'll see what I mean.
We came back to rainy Massachusetts only to find out backyard flooded. Steve was at work so I thought I would go out the back door to take pictures of the water to show the town. As I walked out the door, it slammed shut. You're probably what? Well, the door locked and Lucas was inside! I only panicked for a minute and then thought "What would MacGiver do?" I pulled one of the patio tables under a window where we have the kitty door, pushed the kitty door in, and somehow dragged my butt into the window and landed on the kitchen floor. Note to self- make a copy of the house key.
Please tell Holly to come back to blogging, she is missed greatly!
Theo and Eli look like two old men on the couch - it's adorable!
- Katie
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