Monday, May 11, 2009

17 pounds of baby

In no particular order here are some highlights from the past week:

-Lucas went to his 4 month check up and weighs 17 pounds! The doctor said he was healthy and wasn't worried about his weight at all. The doc also wants to wait to give Lucas any solids (including rice cereal) until 6 months. He said babies that start solids before then are more likely to develop allergies.

-Lucas has a new cousin! Eli Cooper Powell was born on Friday in his mom and dad's bathroom. Lucas is very excited to meet him over Memorial Day weekend. We even went shopping to buy the new guy a little something.

-This was my first Mother's Day as a mom! For the past 14 years I dreaded Mother's Day but I actually enjoyed this one with Lucas. Steve even made me a great lobster dinner.

-Steve and I went out on a date without Lucas. This was the first time we went out together since Lucas was born back in December. Donna came over and watched the little guy while we enjoyed Star Trek. It was so nice to get out and relax without worrying someone will have a crying fit, poop or be overtired (Steve did great). We'll be calling Donna again real soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what Tracy is talking about "fussy baby"?! Lucas was an absolute angel when I watched him! Do call me again soon (I think this should be a once a month thing). I just "hate" holding babies (NOT!) Thanks for trusting me. Honorary "Auntie" Donna