We had a fun weekend with a play date and a party. Last Sunday we ventured up north to Michael's 3rd birthday party. In the past, Michael and Lucas didn't interact too much. So, it was fun watching them play together and hold toddler conversations. Here are some pics!
Lucas is very happy to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the shape of a fish!
All hugs at the party!
Two goofballs!
The fun came to a screeching halt on Tuesday when I got a call at work saying Lucas was throwing up. The poor thing has been sick every since. Steve took Wednesday off and I am off today looking after the sick boy. Hopefully he gets better this weekend since him and I have to relocate for a day or two. Steve and his buddies are taking down walls, demolishing our bathroom, and ripping down some of the vinyl siding for our remodel. Lucas and I have to get out of the debris that will be flying all over the house. Wish us luck!

Lucas is very happy to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the shape of a fish!

All hugs at the party!

The fun came to a screeching halt on Tuesday when I got a call at work saying Lucas was throwing up. The poor thing has been sick every since. Steve took Wednesday off and I am off today looking after the sick boy. Hopefully he gets better this weekend since him and I have to relocate for a day or two. Steve and his buddies are taking down walls, demolishing our bathroom, and ripping down some of the vinyl siding for our remodel. Lucas and I have to get out of the debris that will be flying all over the house. Wish us luck!