Other than enjoying stuffing his face Lucas has been giving us a run for our money. A few weeks back Steve went out at night and I was in the shower. After getting out of the shower, I hear "mama." I told Lucas to go back to bed and I would see him in the morning. Then I heard the door knob rattle. Umm...Steve was out and Lucas was supposed to be in his crib. I opened the door to find Lucas standing there. I swiftly put him back in his crib and told him to go to sleep. Needless to say he climbed out of his crib 2 other times that night. Luckily, Steve is is handy and the next night Steve put on a crib tent to curb this behavior. It has worked and he hasn't climbed out since! I know some people put their kids in a crib as soon as they crawl out but we felt he wasn't ready. We're going to keep him in his crib for as long as possible. So far, it has worked.
Can you believe Lucas will be 2 next month? Geesh! Where does the time go?