My favorite holiday was this weekend and we had a blast. We (I) decided to dress as the
Incredibles family. I was Mrs. Incredible, Steve was Mr. Incredible and Lucas was Dash. We actually decided on other costumes but we found out about a Superhero 5K run on Halloween so we changed our costumes into our favorite superhero family.
Our holiday weekend began with our first annual Halloween party for kids. We asked our friends with little ones to come over to celebrate. Luckily the weather held out and everyone had a blast. The biggest hit of the party was our pirate ship. No, we didn't rent a pirate ship but we turned our canoe into a pirate ship. How you ask. Well I came up with the idea and Steve executed it. He built a plank over the canoe where the kids would jump into a pool of small balls. We accessorized with some pirate flags from
IParty. We both laughed when the ship was pretty much destroyed after only 9 minutes after the kids got a hold of it. But, they enjoyed it and that's what counts.

On Halloween morning we woke up bright and early to run the Superhero 5k with our friends, Susan and Jason. Susan dressed up as Violet Incredible to join our family! None of us really were that enthused to wake up early and run in costume, but it was worth it. There were some great costumes at the race. Jason won best male costume! We had a good run and then enjoyed some Mexican food. Isn't eating Mexican food a tradition on Halloween for everyone?

Finally the weekend came to a close with some good
ol' trick and treating. Of course, Steve and I decided to wear our costumes just one more time. We just went to a few houses around our neighborhood where I coaxed Lucas to take the chocolate candy for his me. Lucas was a big help this year and handed out candy to all the trick or
treaters. We had a great/exhausting weekend but it was worth every minute.

For some more good news: Steve passed his plumbing test and is officially a plumber. I passed the physical education teaching test and hopefully will have a new position come fall. Yahoo!