Lucas celebrated his first Thanksgiving with the Williams family, mommy, daddy and Grandpa Shahnamian. He actually slept through the dinner portion of Thanksgiving, but he enjoyed sitting with everyone for dessert. I have to admit it was fun picking out a cute, little outfit for him to wear for his first feast. It's hard to imagine that next Thanksgiving he will be sitting next to me eating off his own plate!
The next day we took off to New York to visit Holly and her clan. Poor Lucas has more teeth coming in, so his nose was running and he wasn't feeling too hot. With that being said, you couldn't tell he wasn't feeling well when he was with his cousins, Theo and Eli. Lucas got a kick out of watching Theo and I think Theo got a kick out of playing with "baby Lucas." After several attempts to get all the kids together for a picture, we failed. Do you know how hard it is to get a 3 year old, 11 month old and a 6 month old to sit still and look at the camera? Well, it's hard. Maybe I can capture one at Christmas time?
The hardest part of traveling with a baby is the bedtime. One of Holly's friends was kind enough to loan us her room for the night. We haven't slept with Lucas in our room since he was 4 months old, so it was a bit weird having him in the room. I was so paranoid to turn over in fear the noise of the bed would wake him up. Steve said he saw Lucas sit up a few times at night but didn't move or say anything. Hopefully he didn't inherit the sleep walking or sleep talking trait from his mamma. He woke up at his usual time (5:45) but it was so hard trying to keep him quiet, get ready, and pack up without disturbing the others in the house. Overall, Lucas is a pretty good traveler. I think it's his parents who are the ones who stress out.