We took our first road trip down to New York to meet the newest addition to the Powell family. Steve and I were a little anxious to see how Lucas would handle the 4 1/2 hour car ride. Lucas did awesome in the car. He slept for a little of it, looked out the window, and played. So far it doesn't seem that Lucas inherited his mother's motion sickness. I hope he doesn't.
Eli is a doll. Half the time we all forgot he was there. We would here a little "eh, eh" and Holly would feed him. Holly, Nate, Steve and I reminisced about the previous NY visits where we would shop during the day and bar hop at night. Now, we are taking turns changing diapers and burping babies. At one point during the visit the kids decided to do things in unison: Theo was puking, Eli was crying and Lucas was hiccuping/pooping/crying. I like to call it organized chaos. Family events will never be the same.